Who is QuickSetters?

Hey there! Thanks for being interested in my cold-outbound agency, QuickSetters. We set you appointments and we do it quick!

I'm Jeff, the founder and one of the campaign managers here at QuickSetters. I've been in the digital marketing space for almost 6 years now, building e-commerce stores and running paid ads way back in 2018. It was super fun and challenging, learning every little piece of the funnel and optimizing my analytics to get the best ROAS.

I have a confession; I'm a huge nerd for numbers. If you run a business, you know that everything involved in getting customers is numbers. How many people do you show your ad to? How many people click on the ad? Add to cart? Book a call? Respond to an email?

Being that nerd, I fell in love with seeing what I can do to maximize my numbers for my stores. Testing different ads, copy, budget, website theme, etc. As fun as it was, I realized I love doing the marketing and outreach; not so much the rest of the business.

After having a few of my own digital agencies (that I still manage) such as web development and social media marketing to name a few, I learned that the majority of my best clients came from those that I had emailed out of the blue. Completely cold.

It had the highest return on spend per client (cost me $200 to make back $600) and I enjoyed the tweaking and testing of variables to see what did best.

Then it came to me:

Instead of doing my own marketing ANDĀ fulfilling on the value, why not just do the marketing, my favorite part?

This is where QuickSetters was born.

With QuickSetters, I can meet awesome business owners, market to people who need their awesome business, and get them awesome results! Awesome!

Now, this is my main gig. Me and a few others manage the campaigns of our loyal clients to get them the best results, and our clients make more money than ever.

That's all for now. If you have any questions or want to get in touch, send me an email at jeff@tryquicksetters.com.

Talk soon!

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